School Improvement

Each year our school produces a ‘A School Improvement Plan’. This document is put together by the headteacher following professional dialogue with the governing body, the Senior Leadership Team, the whole staff and other professionals such as our Herts' School Improvement Partner. The process involved reflecting on: how we are doing, how we know and what we are going to do next. This is then evaluated throughout the year to measure the progress and impact and ensure the school is continuing to move forward in its development. To see our targets for this year, you can access the whole document below:

School development plan 2023-24

SIP 2023-24 final.pdf

School development plan 2022-23 

SIP 2022-23.pdf

Over the past two years, schools have worked hard to limit the impact of COVID related disruption on their pupils. Now, schools are moving forwards with their plans so that their pupils flourish in the year ahead. 

The EEF (Education Endowerment Fund) has produced Moving forwards, making a difference: A planning guide for schools 2022 – 23, to support schools in their planning efforts in the academic year ahead. It proposes a tiered model that focuses upon high-quality teaching, targeted academic support and wider strategies (such as improving attendance) to aid school leaders’ existing planning efforts. To see our Making A difference Plan, see below:

Making a difference plan 2022-23.pdf

The Healthy Young Minds in Herts (HYMIH) School Accreditation process enables schools and colleges to achieve kite mark status for their contribution to supporting mental health and wellbeing by completing a self-reflective document containing 11 key areas, which is reviewed and discussed in a multi-agency panel. The panel consists of representatives from Public Health, Public Health Nursing service, Educational Psychologist, Herts for Learning, Primary, Secondary, Specialist schools and the Strategic Leads for Mental Health in Schools. St.Michaels was awarded this in November 2021 in recgnition of the work undertaken as a school already and in recognition of the development and committment the school has in continuing this journey. As part of the process, the school reflected on its areas for improvement and is committed to reviewing this action plan each as well as establishing a new set of actions. See below to see this in full:

Mental Health Action Plan Nov 22.pdf