Remote and Home Learning

Remote Learning Policy

Please click here to read our Remote Learning Policy and here  to view our Online Classroom Rules.

Below are a range of recommended websites to enhance the children's learning or to access in the event of your child not being able to attend school, including in the event of any possible future periods of isolation or bubble/school closure.

In the event of your child having to isolate or their bubble/school being closed, work will be set directly by the class teacher within 2 working days. Please make use of these resources in the meantime to support your child's learning.

Remote Learning – Device Loans

If your child’s learning is being affected by a lack of suitable devices at home, please let us know. We have a small number of devices available to lend to the most needy families. Please get in touch with your class teacher if your family wishes to be considered for the loan of a device. Similarly, if you have an old (up to 5 years old) laptop or tablet that still works, with power/charging plug and cable, and would like to donate it, please let us know via the school office.

Oak Academy

Visit the government funded online classroom to view all of Oak Academy’s free lessons, searchable by key stage, year or subject.

We have collected useful website links for you to access materials at home to help support and develop your child's learning. There are a lot here so just investigate them gradually. Please remember to check all videos and websites before showing them to your child to make sure the content is appropriate as we are unable to guarantee that changes have not occurred from the time of posting this. We will add to them as we find ones that we recommend so please keep looking back at this page. If you have any websites or apps you think would be good to share then please email them to us so that we can take a look. 

General learning: 

Pobble  Non Screen activities you can do with your child at home. 

Lego daily challenge chart 

Classroom secrets.  Look in the KS1 section for resources linked to each area of the curriculum BBC Bitesize - online lessons to access Oak Accademy - online lessons to access at home

Twinkl - Introductory offer. Focus on Year 1 pages. 

The SEN Resources Blog - Added to daily. Videos of ideas. 

Mrs M Activity - mixed ideas for activities. 

BBC Primary teaching resources 

Home learning projects Robinhoodmat Scroll down to week by week resources for KS1

Five minute mum Good for quick, short activities. This is a handy bank of P4C (Philosophy 4 Kids) that we use in school and maybe handy at this challenging time for adults and children Lots of activities to explore  films you watch with your children 


Pobble - A picture a day to discuss and use as a stimulus. Click on image for notes that may be of interest . You can select previous pictures if you do not like the one for that day. 

Oxford Owl Reading resources 

Letters and sounds website. Good for games and resources 

Story online People reading stories to children. 

Epic phonics 

Athelney Primary Great for phonic videos.        Spelling activities 


White Rose Maths Scheme of work

Top Marks Games Tablet Friendly  NECTM maths resources for KS1 (organised by areas of the maths curriculum)

Maths Factor Carol Volderman maths activities site  How to play Dominoes and other games   Numberframes and Pattern Shapes 


Yoga activities 

Coronavirus social story to explain it to children

Dr Ranj Cbeebies video for children if they are worried about Coronavirus 

Coronavirus story for you to work through with your child. 

Coronavirus story for children.

Childline- Calm zone Lots for breathing and wellbeing.

Pinterest cross curricular activities. Great for all areas of EYFS too. Fine motor and funky fingers are recommended. 

Go Noodle Movement and mindfulness 

NSPCC - Pants campaign and song 

Wider curriculum

Imagination tree - Does require some materials 

Childhood by Nature. Virtual nature. Discussion point. 

Stem activities Search by age.

Just 2 easy Please use your child's login details.      Free Science activities

Supporting your child with Phonics

Take a look at some of these videos and websites to give you and your child support with phonics. Any questions then please ask one of the EYFS team.  Log in using the school details provided  Mr.T's Phonics contains videos for each of the graphemes and phonemes so is useful as a guide for how to pronounce and write each of the sounds.  Read Write Inc. videos  

See the resources pages on the Foundation Stage and Year 1 Resources tabs for specific videos to help with pronunciation and to provide further information.