EYFS General Information

Useful EYFS Links

Supporting learning at home:

We have collected good website links for you to access materials if you are looking for inspiration for home learning. There are a lot here so just investigate them gradually.   We have highlighted in bold those that are highly recommended.  

Please remember to check all videos and websites before showing them to your child to make sure the content is appropriate as we are unable to guarantee this.  

We will add to them as we find ones that we recommend so please keep looking back at this page.  If you have any websites or apps you think would be good to share then please email them to us so that we can take a look.  

Please look at the whole of this page for other links.  If any no longer work then please email us to let us know.  Thank you.  admin@stmichaelsjmi.herts.sch.uk

General learning (covers multiple areas of learning):  

70 things to do at home with your child   Great ideas to try with your child.

Classroom secrets Home learning packs EYFS   Useful materials to access at home.

Home learning ideas - ABC does  Useful materials to access at home.

TTS Learning pack EYFS  Useful materials to access at home.

10 ideas for Reception   

BBC Teach - look for EYFS or age appropriate links

BBC School radio - lots of lovely links

Five minute mum   Good for quick, short activities.  

Top marks games - all subjects

Outside learning:

Childhood by Nature.   Virtual nature.  Discussion point. 


Essential letters and sounds guide for parents

Oxford Owl - home phonics

Oxford Owl: Use your child's username and password to access online books

Phonics Play Activities and resources  You will find lots of games and ideas to explore with children at home. Free membership. 

Hungry Little Minds Campaign 

Oxford Owl Reading resources 

Penpals guide for parents - handwriting

Letters and sounds website.  Good for games and resources.   

Story online      People reading stories to children.  

Phonics videos - Mr T

Topmarks - English links

Join our local library 

Alphablocks TV  Watch as the letters of the alphabet tell stories and make words using phonics. Play the learning game, watch clips and print colouring pages. 

Oliver Jeffers reads his books  Oliver Jeffers reads some of his books and talks about some of the things that went into making them. 

Understanding of the world 

Explorify - free sign up for images, videos and inspiration

Online safety/Technology

Think u know - online safety.  Jessie and friends. Links to materials to use. 

Smartie the Penguin online safety story

Digiduck online safety story

E-safety Hector's world

Purple mash link  Use your child's individual login to access games.

Expressive Arts and Design/Messy play:

Imagination tree - Does require some materials       


White Rose Home Learning videos and guidance  White Rose Maths Team has prepared a series of maths lessons for Reception. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child to complete the activity successfully. 

Top Marks Games Tablet Friendly 

NCETM - Guidance about supporting your child with maths

NCETM - Numberblocks at home 

Learning blocks TV - numberblocks  Sing along and learn all about numbers with the Numberblocks! 


Mastering number guide for parents


BBC Moodboosters

Yoga activities 

Childline- Calm zone  Lots for breathing and wellbeing.

Go Noodle Movement and mindfulness 

NSPCC - Pants rule.

SCARF - Home activities linked to personal, social and emotional wellbeing

Health for under 5s


Meet the numberblocks

Numberblocks hide and seek

Numberblocks card fun

Alphablocks letter fun

Cbeebies App

Free App - 50 things to do before you're five.  Hertfordshire.

Share with us!

Tapestry online journal  Visit St Michael's home learning ideas and share your learning.  

Useful websites for adults:

General EYFS information

Development matters  Non Statutory guidance.

What to expect in the EYFS guide for home (Based on Development matters - guide for parents).

Government guide to Early Years Foundation Stage  Useful background to EYFS.

Help for early years  Training resources for practitioners but useful for all.

Birth to Five Matters  Non Statutory guidance.

Froebel trust  Pamphlets about different areas of learning.

Assessment information

EYFS exemplification videos  Information for practitioners but useful to find out about observations and assessments.

Baseline assessment - guide for parents  Information about why we carry out the government baseline.

Safeguarding/Health information

Hertfordshire Families First   Help if you are struggling for something.

Herts Family centres (and health visitors)  Useful links to local support.  (Under 5s)

NHS help for under 4s

Apply for pupil premium here - Reception

NSPCC sign up - keeping children safe

BBC - staying safe

Safeguarding children online. A guide for teachers but useful for carers to read. 

Think u know - keeping children under 5 safe online 


Internet safety - Help for early years

NSPCC - Talking to your child about online safety 

NSPCC - online safety information

NSPCC Behaviour - Coping with tantrums  Good advice guide. 

ERIC - toileting support

NSPCC - Concerns about children's mental health 

NSPCC - Separation and divorce guidance

Under fives wellbeing

SEND information

Meeting the needs of children - Help for Early Years

NHS Start for life - learning to talk  Useful guidance for supporting your child with speech and language.

Under fives wellbeing.  Deafness and me.

I can - help for families  Speech and language

Progress checker.  Speech and language.  

Visual timetable symbols for home

Child development information

DFE - free child development training modules

Learning information

Letters and sounds teaching book  Old book previously used in schools but has some good activities in it.

Useful EYFS Information:

Physical Development.

Dough Disco:

EYFS – Dough Disco Action Songs and Rhymes.

ABC Does Explains Dough Gym (Disco)

Dough Disco information

Dough disco example 

Dough Play:

Dough play

Squiggle While You Wiggle:

Squiggle example of part one

Squiggle While You Wiggle Information

Core Strength:

How to help your child with physical development.


Handwriting scheme information

Letter family groups:

Long ladder letters/long legged giraffe letters:

l, i, t, u, j, y 

One arm robot letters:

r, b, n, h, m, k, p  

Curly caterpillar letters:

c, a, d, o, s, g, q, e, f

Zig-zag monster letters:

z, v, w, x

Correct formation below:


Supporting your child with Phonics in EYFS.

Take a look at some of these videos and websites to give you and your child support with phonics.  Any questions then please ask one of the EYFS team.  

Visit 'PhonicsPlay' and use the school account to play games and download resources.  

Supporting your child with Maths in EYFS

It is important that your child grasps each concept really well so that they can build on it in further years.  These sites will guide you through this.