Medical advice and forms

Informing School of Minor Illness

If your child is absent due to a minor illness you must contact the school to inform them of the reason for the absence and how long you expect them to be absent. It is helpful if you let the school know the nature of the illness to help prevent it being spread to others in school. On your child’s return to school you should inform them of their return and confirm the reason for the absence. Medical evidence may be requested to support your child’s absence. For example an appointment card/letter, medication or prescription etc. This does not equate to a doctor’s letter.For further advice on common childhood illnesses, limiting the spread of an illness and treatment please refer to the latest guidance from Herts:

Parent information on common childhood illnesses

The administration of medication at school

All pupils at this school with medical conditions have easy access to their emergency medication. All pupils are encouraged to carry and administer their own emergency medication, when their parents and health specialists determine they are able to start taking responsibility for their condition. All pupils carry their emergency medication with them at all times, except if they are controlled drugs as defined in the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. This is also the arrangement on any off-site or residential visits. Pupils who do not carry and administer their own emergency medication know where their medication is stored and how to access it.

In the event of a child being prescribed a medication, parents are requested to complete a medication form granting permission to staff to ensure and administer this medication. Any medication of this nature should be brought to the school office along with a completed form (which can be found via the following link.

Medication permission form

Medical conditions

St. Michael’s is an inclusive community that aims to support and welcome pupils with medical conditions. We aim to provide all pupils with all medical conditions the same opportunities as others at school (both school based and out-of-school).

We will help to ensure they can:

  • Be healthy

  • Stay safe

  • Enjoy and achieve

  • Make a positive contribution

  • Achieve economic well-being

We ensure all staff:

  • Understand their duty of care to children in the event of an emergency

  • Feel confident in knowing what to do in an emergency

  • Understand that certain medical conditions are serious and can be potentially life threatening

  • Understand the importance of medication being taken as prescribed

  • Understand the common medical conditions that affect children at St. Michael’s and receive training on the impact medical conditions can have on pupils

Please see our Medical Conditions policy for further detail:

Medical conditions policy

Pre-existing Injuries Form

We do ask all parents to complete a pre-existing injuries form should their child present at school with significant bruising or injuries to enable us to help safeguard the children.

Pre-existing injuries form

Tick Awareness 2022.pdf
Petting Zoo Awareness 2022.pdf