
Black History Month

In October we have been marking Black History Month by focusing on the work of particular individuals who have fought for equality and been inspirational in their own rights as well as listening to texts of black origin. As a school we have been working hard to ensure our whole curriculum reflects people of different nationalities, races and backgrounds so that children are provided with a far-reaching, inclusive experience in school which equips them for the multi-cultural world in which we live. Whilst we are marking Black History Month, racial equality within the curriculum will continue throughout the year. It is also important to note that whilst talking about movements like Black Lives Matter, sensitivity will be involved as this is only one 'political' view and in line with the Government's 'Political impartiality in school' we will ensure that any views shared do not promote partisan (one-sided) political views.

Below are two links which will take you to stories which have been put together especially for Black History Month. We hope you will enjoy sharing these stories together at home.

Google Classroom Library.pdf

At our school we will provide an inspiring, supportive and aspirational environment built on Christian values. We will ensure that all children have an equal chance to become happy, responsible, highly skilled individuals who can contribute positively to and shape the world they live in. It is therefore crucial that we educate our children for the diverse society that we live in, teaching them the vital skills of empathy, respect and inclusion. Our values education and PSHE curriculum is crucial for this alongside a carefully crafted and developing curriculum that not only meets the needs of all, regardless of race, ethnicity or needs, but actively seeks to tackle prejudice and stereotypical views.

The Church of England's Vision for Education document 'Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good' states that the vision for every school should be :

"for the common good of the whole human community and its environment, whether national, regional or local. It is hospitable to diversity, respects freedom of religion and belief, and encourages others to contribute from the depths of their own traditions and understandings. It invites collaboration, alliances, negotiation of differences, and the forming of new settlements in order to serve the flourishing of a healthily plural society and democracy, together with a healthily plural educational system."

It states:

"We are only persons with each other: our humanity is ‘cohumanity’, inextricably involved with others, utterly relational, both in our humanity and our shared life on a finite planet. If those others are of ultimate worth then we are each called to responsibility towards them and to contribute responsibly to our communities. The good life is ‘with and for others in just institutions’ (Paul Ricoeur). So education needs to have a core focus on relationships and commitments, participation in communities and institutions, and the qualities of character that enable people to flourish together."

When we discover that not everyone is treated as if they matter, what do we do about it?

In line with our anti-bullying policy we:

· Create and support an inclusive environment which promotes a culture of mutual respect, consideration and care for others which will be upheld by all.

· Create a culture where any prejudice based language is unacceptable and challenge practice which does not uphold the values of tolerance, non-discrimination and respect towards others and openly discuss differences between people that could motivate bullying, such as religion, ethnicity, sexuality or appearance.

· Work with staff and outside agencies to identify all forms of prejudice-driven bullying and provide effective training.

· Work with other agencies and the wider school community to prevent and tackle concerns.

· Actively provide systematic opportunities to develop pupils’ social and emotional skills, including their resilience.

· Provide a range of approaches for pupils, staff and parents/carers to access support and make it easy to report concerns.

· Consider all opportunities for addressing bullying in all forms throughout the curriculum and supported with a range of approaches such as through displays, assemblies, peer support and the school council.

· Regularly update and evaluate our approaches to take into account the developments of technology and provide up-to-date advice and education to all members of the community regarding positive online behaviour.

· Train all staff including teaching staff, support staff (including administration staff, lunchtime support staff and site support staff) and pastoral staff to identify all forms of bullying, follow the school policy and procedures (including recording and reporting incidents).

· Proactively gather and record concerns and independent evidence about bullying incidents and issues so as to effectively develop strategies to prevent bullying from occurring. The Herts model form is used to record allegations of bullying and subsequent investigations and actions.

· Use a variety of techniques to resolve the issues between those who bully and those who have been bullied.

· Celebrate success and achievements to promote and build a positive school ethos.

· Where necessary, implement disciplinary sanctions. The consequences of bullying reflect the seriousness of the incident so that others can see that bullying is unacceptable.

This also included the Involvement of pupils. We will:

· Involve pupils in prevention and in creating a positive, tolerant and caring culture in which to learn.

· Involve pupils in anti-bullying campaigns in schools and embedded messages in the wider school curriculum.

· Regularly canvas children and young people’s views on the extent and nature of bullying.

· Ensure that all pupils know how to express worries and anxieties about bullying.

· Ensure that all pupils are aware of the range of sanctions which may be applied against those engaging in bullying.

· Publicise the details of help lines and websites.

· Offer support to pupils who have been bullied and to those who are bullying in order to address the problems they have.

Check out the Blue Peter page on how you can help stop rascism:
