Art and Design

Whole School Projects/ Visits/ Enrichment

Whole School Visit by Illustrator Martin Impey inspired the children to think about the power of effective illustration, while making important links to WW1.

Here is a personalised illustration drawn for Year Five.

Following a whole school assembly lead by School Council, the whole school participated in this art project linked to British Values and exploring links between different religions.

Year Six

As part of their topic on South America, Year Six studied the work of Joaquin Torres Garcia.

Year Six imitated his piece 'Construccion' reflecting symbols, times, people, places and items that they are most thankful for.

Year Six created colourful self portraits.

Year Five

Year Five created collage interpretations of Henry VIII Portrait by Hans Holbein.

Year Five used pastels and chalk to show their interpretation of music linked to space. These pieces linked to 'Rocket Man' by 'Elton John'.

Year Five developed techniques for pencil portraits by focusing on portraits of the wives of Henry VIII.

Underpinning all teaching and learning, 'The Learning Pit' and 'Growth Mindset' concepts are reflected on and referred to in each year group throughout the school year. Here, Year Five have represented their understanding using Art and Design.

Year Four

Creating links with Maths, Year Four created posters showing their understanding of multiplication.

Year Four create artwork which show their unique identities.

Year Three

Year Three created artwork using pastels linked to Mindfulness. They thought about where they go to feel safe and happy.

Year Two

Year One

Year One created colourful rocket ships using a range of materials.

Artwork inspired by the Enormous Crocodile.

